Cloud & Hosting

Partner with us for cloud solutions

Transform your infrastructure, freeing time and resources for impactful IT innovation. Our experts handle daily tasks, freeing you for strategic initiatives that drive business forward.

We’ll closely guide your migration journey to the cloud, identifying workloads and applications for seamless transition. Our goal is to optimise your management processes for peak efficiency, ensuring smooth and effective IT infrastructure operation.

This involves aiding on-premise to the cloud transitions and establishing disaster recovery plans for data protection and business flow.

Image of cloud environment in the cyber security environment

Cloud Migration

Get cloud migration tools and expert help to move, manage and secure all your workloads, no matter the size of your business or industry.

Turn your vision into impact by moving to Azure

Migrate to the cloud. Save on cloud costs, increase efficiency, and accelerate growth by adopting a cloud operations-based model on infrastructure as a service (IaaS) technologies.
Modernise to drive innovation with fully managed platforms as a service (PaaS) offerings.

It's so simple




Trustack MSP Cyber Security, IT Services, IT Support. A black circle with the number "1" in the center, depicted in a bold, white font. The design is simple and minimalist, resembling a single icon in cloud hosting interfaces, with clear contrast between the black circle and the white number.
Trustack MSP Cyber Security, IT Services, IT Support. A black number 2 is centered inside a black circle on a white background, reminiscent of the streamlined design you might find in cloud hosting interfaces. The circle is outlined with a thick black border.
Trustack MSP Cyber Security, IT Services, IT Support. A black number "3" is centered inside a thick black circle on a white background, resembling the clean simplicity of the cloud. The design is simple and minimalistic.

We help you assess why you want to move to the cloud and how it can benefit your business. We will also help you prioritise which tasks will help your business grow. We consider all effects of moving to the cloud and create plans to make the transition smooth and successful.

We transfer all your desired items to the cloud, including users, apps, and data. We make sure everything operates smoothly before, during and after the move. 

We oversee your cloud infrastructure to make sure it runs smoothly. We also ensure it is prepared for the future.
Additionally, we help it adapt and improve over time.

Benefits of cloud migration:

  • Offer more adaptable choices for your distant employees.
  • Develop and refine emerging and changing business technologies.
  • Utilise modern software tools, each with streamlined licensing.
  • Enhance or substitute your local servers with solutions that offer greater flexibility.
  • Entrust the management and upkeep of your technology to your service provider.
  • Offer simple, automated solutions that maintain a connection between you and your users.
Image of cloud migration in the Cyber security environment
Image representing a disaster recovery plan

How can Azure help protect critical data and application?

Azure offers an end-to-end backup and disaster recovery solution that’s simple, secure, scalable, and cost-effective and can be integrated with on-premises data protection solutions.

In the case of service disruption or accidental deletion or corruption of data, recover your business services in a timely and orchestrated manner.

The Azure backup and disaster recovery solution is simple to architect, cloud-native, highly available, and resilient.

Infrastructure data includes: Storage, Hypervisor, Veeam and Top of Rack Switches

Infrastructure network includes: Firewall, Switch & Wifi

Relationships built on trust, honesty and integrity.


Andrew Furness

Controller - Information Systems, Unipres UK Limited

“Trustack has been a trusted partner of Unipres for 11 years now. The stack of products they’ve worked with us to implement at Unipres has grown from an initial implementation of VMware vSphere to VMware Horizon, Veaam Backup and Replication and Trend Deep Security to name a few. We feel confident that they will implement IT solutions tailored to our business needs and deliver them to the requirements and quality Unipres expect as an organisation.” 

Collingwood Business Solutions

Michael Ward

IT Director, Collingwood Business Solutions Limited

“Trustack are a trusted partner who have worked with us for a number of years. They know our business and have in depth knowledge of our complex infrastructure whether that be security, networking, virtualisation or any other parts that play an integral role in our success as an IT service provider and Insurance distribution business. Trustack have been a major part of Collingwood’s success working with us to enable us to scale accordingly with innovative solutions and robust security”

Muckle LLP

Andrew Black

Director of IT, Muckle LLP

“We rely on Trustack to help us deliver innovative, cost-effective technology. Their extensive technical knowledge and legal industry experience means they always offer us reasoned, pragmatic advice.”
“Trustack always stay one step ahead when it comes to providing the latest products and services.  They understand our business and work proactively with our IT team to ensure we always deliver the best service to the firm and our clients.”

Beyond Housing

Maeve Collier

Director of ICT and Change, Beyond Housing

“The technology is there to support us from zero-day onwards in terms of looking at threats and there’s the whole peace of mind that we’ve got knowing we have eyes on our system 24×7.”
“We’ve seen more people talk about training and have a better awareness about it. The education side is effective and simple. You drink a cup of tea, and you watched your video, it’s so quick.”

Leading North-East Energy Business

Head of IT

“We have been working with Trustack for over a decade. We have experienced in-house support, but there are always cases where you need a subject matter knowledge that goes beyond what you can carry internally – Trustack are able to provide in-depth technical expertise and access to vendor support that ensures we can get answers to the most technical of questions. We source our core server, storage, and network products through them, from vendor selection, design, and implementation through to support. This provides a level of assurance and risk mitigation that we will always have a partner available with the technical skills and knowledge of our environment to deal with issues swiftly”.

K Home

Commercial Director

K Home International

“After working with Trustack for over 10 years, we commenced on a long project with Trustack to bring our IT network and structure up to date and hopefully beyond. So far, each stage has been discussed and planned so that we know what to expect and have been given options at each stage to consider so that there are no surprises and each stage goes to plan. This has meant that any down time has been minimised enabling us to continue operating throughout, all in all very happy with the progress.”