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Emma Phillips

Publish Date:

27 October 2023

Patch Management: Ensuring Cyber Security and Preventing Breaches

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In the current digital landscape, organisations encounter a rising multitude of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. To safeguard their systems and data from potential breaches, organisations must give paramount importance to Patch Management. In this guide, we will explore what Patch Management is, why organisations should implement it, and provide answers to some frequently asked questions about this critical cybersecurity practice.

Guide Contents:

What is Patch Management?

Patch Management is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure cyber environment. It involves the process of identifying, acquiring, testing, and applying patches or updates to software, applications, and systems in order to address vulnerabilities and enhance security. These patches are released by software vendors to fix bugs, address security flaws, and improve the overall functionality of their products.

Effective Patch Management entails a systematic approach. It begins with the identification of vulnerabilities, which can be done through various means such as vulnerability scanning, threat intelligence, and vendor notifications. Once vulnerabilities are identified, organisations acquire the necessary patches or updates from the software vendors. It is best practise to test these patches in a non-production environment or on a low criticality system to ensure that no compatibility issues are introduced. Finally, the approved patches are applied to the production systems, ensuring that the software and systems are up to date with the latest security measures.

“Patch management is a necessary headache facing all businesses; however, it is one of the key weapons in the fight against cyber threats.

Patch Management keeps us ahead of evolving threats by regularly applying software updates. It closes security gaps, addressing vulnerabilities before cybercriminals exploit them. With up-to-date security measures, we reduce the attack surface and fortify defences.

Continuous monitoring and adaptation are essential for Patch Management. Automated tools streamline the process, ensuring timely vulnerability scanning and patch deployment. Regular reporting and analysis help us assess our status, identify gaps, and strengthen our security posture.  Trustack’s robust patch management solution cover both operating systems and a large variety of commonly used 3rd party applications.”

Russell Henderson, Technical Director

Why Should Organisations Implement Patch Management?

Implementing Patch Management is crucial for organisations to uphold the security and integrity of their systems and data. There are several reasons why organisations should prioritise Patch Management:

1. Vulnerability Mitigation: Patch Management helps organisations mitigate vulnerabilities in their software and systems. By promptly applying patches and updates, organisations can close security gaps and address known vulnerabilities. This proactive approach significantly reduces the risk of cyber attacks that exploit these vulnerabilities.

2. Protection against Exploits and Malware: Cybercriminals often target unpatched vulnerabilities in software and systems to launch attacks and distribute malware. Patch Management ensures that the latest security patches are applied, effectively fortifying the software and systems against potential exploits. By minimising the attack surface, organisations can thwart malicious attempts and defend against unauthorised access.

3. Compliance Requirements: Many industry regulations and standards, such as PCI DSS, Cyber Essentials Plus and GDPR, require organisations to maintain secure systems and promptly apply security patches. Patch Management helps organisations meet these compliance requirements by ensuring that their software and systems remain up to date with the latest security measures. Compliance is essential for avoiding penalties, reputational damage, and legal liabilities.

4. Enhanced Cyber Security: Patch Management is a fundamental component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. By staying current with patches and updates, organisations can strengthen their security posture, making it more difficult for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities. Regular patching reduces the likelihood of successful attacks and enhances the overall resilience of the organisation’s cyber defences.

5. System Stability and Performance: Patches and updates not only address security vulnerabilities but also often include bug fixes and performance enhancements. By implementing Patch Management, organisations can improve the stability, reliability, and overall performance of their software and systems. This leads to smoother operations, enhanced user experience, and reduced downtime resulting from software-related issues.

“Our clients recognise the critical importance of Patch Management in maintaining a secure IT infrastructure. It safeguards sensitive data, addresses vulnerabilities, and ensures operational continuity.

By working with Trustack as their MSP, we can regularly apply patches and updates for our clients, reducing the risk of breaches, data loss, and unauthorised access. Patch Management assists with industry regulations, demonstrating ours and our clients commitment to compliance and maintaining customer trust.

Efficient Patch Management minimises disruptions by prioritising critical patches and conducting thorough testing. It improves system stability, enhances productivity, and reduces vulnerabilities.

Automated tools streamline our efforts, providing centralised patch management, automated deployment, and valuable insights. We track patching status, identify gaps, and make data-driven decisions to strengthen our security posture. If a client were to undertake this commitment it would become a fulltime job for several fulltime members of staff. By partnering with Trustack to deliver this service it makes far better commercial and operational sense than owning it in house.

In summary, Patch Management is a business imperative. It protects our assets, reputation, and customer trust. By addressing vulnerabilities, maintaining compliance, and optimising efficiency, it bolsters our cybersecurity strategy and ensures resilience in the face of evolving threats.”

Phil Cambers, Commercial Director


In conclusion, Patch Management is a critical practice for organisations aiming to maintain a secure cyber environment and prevent breaches. By implementing Patch Management, organisations can mitigate vulnerabilities, protect against exploits and malware, meet compliance requirements, enhance cyber security, and improve system stability and performance. With its numerous benefits, Patch Management should be an integral part of every organisation’s cybersecurity strategy.


Why is Patch Management important for cyber security?

Patch Management is crucial for cyber security as it plays a vital role in addressing vulnerabilities and security flaws in software and systems. Vulnerabilities are frequently discovered in software, and if left unpatched, they can be exploited by cybercriminals to gain unauthorised access or compromise systems. Patch Management ensures that organisations stay ahead of potential threats by regularly applying patches and updates, reducing the risk of successful attacks and enhancing overall cyber security.

How often should organisations apply patches and updates?

The frequency of patch application depends on various factors, such as the criticality of the systems, the risk associated with the vulnerabilities, and the vendor’s recommendations. In general, organisations should strive to apply patches as soon as they are released by software vendors. Critical patches that address severe vulnerabilities should be prioritised and applied promptly. For less critical patches, organisations may choose to follow a regular patching schedule, such as a monthly or quarterly cycle, while ensuring that critical patches are applied immediately.

What are the challenges of Patch Management?

Patch Management can present several challenges for organisations. Some common challenges include patch compatibility issues, testing requirements, and the need for coordination across multiple systems and environments. Patching may introduce unforeseen issues or conflicts with existing software, requiring careful testing before widespread deployment. Organisations must establish a robust Patch Management process that includes proper testing, risk assessment, and change management practices to address these challenges effectively.

What happens if organisations don’t apply patches?

Failing to apply patches exposes organisations to significant risks. Unpatched vulnerabilities can be exploited by cybercriminals to gain unauthorised access, compromise systems, and steal sensitive data. Organisations that do not apply patches in a timely manner are more susceptible to cyber attacks, including malware infections, data breaches, and system disruptions. In addition, non-compliance with industry regulations and standards that require patching can result in legal and regulatory consequences, as well as reputational damage.

How can organisations streamline their Patch Management process?

Organisations can streamline their Patch Management process by implementing automated patch management solutions, by speaking to Trustack you can understand more about our automated patch management solution offering. These solutions help automate various aspects of the process, such as vulnerability scanning, patch deployment, and reporting. Automated solutions can help organisations prioritise critical patches, streamline testing processes, and ensure timely patch application. It is essential for organisations to establish well-defined policies and procedures as well as consistently monitor and evaluate their patching status. 

What is the difference between a patch and an update?

Many users think that a patch and an update are the same, but they address different functions. A patch is a small piece of software that fixes a specific problem or vulnerability in a piece of software whereas an update is a larger piece of software that add new features or functionality to a piece of software.

Both patches and updates are typically released by the software vendor and in general, patches are used to fix problems, while updates are used to add new features. 

It’s important to keep your software up to date with the latest patches and updates. This will help to protect your computer from security vulnerabilities and keep your software working properly.

What is Auto Patch Management?

Auto Patch Management, also known as Automated Patch Management, refers to the process of automatically deploying patches and updates to software, applications, and systems without requiring manual intervention. It is a proactive approach to Patch Management that utilises specialised tools and software to automate the patching process.

With Auto Patch Management, organisations can streamline and expedite the patching process, ensuring that their systems are up to date with the latest security patches and updates. The automated nature of this approach reduces the reliance on manual efforts and minimises the risk of human error, improving efficiency and accuracy.

Auto Patch Management systems typically include features such as vulnerability scanning, patch assessment, scheduling, and deployment capabilities. These systems can automatically scan the environment for vulnerabilities, identify missing patches, and assess the risks associated with those vulnerabilities. Based on predefined policies and schedules, the systems can deploy patches to the affected systems automatically, ensuring that critical vulnerabilities are addressed promptly.

Various benefits of Auto Patch Management include:

1. Timeliness: Auto Patch Management ensures that patches and updates are applied promptly. By automating the process, organisations can eliminate delays caused by manual intervention and reduce the window of vulnerability to potential attacks.

2. Efficiency: With automated patch deployment, organisations can streamline the entire patching process, saving time and effort. This allows IT teams to focus on other critical tasks and reduces the administrative burden associated with manual patch management.

3. Consistency: Auto Patch Management ensures consistent patch deployment across the entire infrastructure. It helps maintain a standardised approach to patching, ensuring that all systems receive the necessary updates and reducing the risk of overlooking critical patches.

4. Compliance: Automated patching can help organisations meet compliance requirements by ensuring that systems are up to date with the latest security patches. This is essential for industries that have specific regulations or standards mandating timely patch application.

5. Risk Reduction: By automating the patching process, organisations can minimise the risk of human error, such as forgetting to apply patches or applying them inconsistently. This reduces the likelihood of vulnerabilities being exploited and helps protect against potential breaches.

It is important to note that while Auto Patch Management can greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of patch deployment, proper planning, testing, and monitoring are still necessary to ensure that patches do not inadvertently cause system disruptions or compatibility issues. Organisations should adopt a comprehensive approach to Patch Management, combining automated tools with appropriate testing procedures and change management practices to maintain a secure and stable IT environment.

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About the Authors

Emma Phillips

Marketing Executive

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