Strengthening Security & Data for Leading UK Manufacturer

All information is factual but organisational identities have been removed due to client confidentiality

Challenges faced

The UK manufacturer, a prominent player in the industry with 250 users across its head office and two factory locations, has been operating successfully for a considerable period. Their expertise lies in delivering construction projects across various sectors. With their size and reputation, they hold a significant position within the industry. They recognised the need to enhance its security posture, protect internal property, and address concerns about data leakage. They were particularly concerned about the potential consequences of data leaving the company and sought a comprehensive solution to address these challenges. This led them to engage with Trustack to find a unique solution that would mitigate security risks and support their business objectives.

The company faced several challenges that prompted their collaboration with Trustack. Firstly, they aspired to differentiate themselves in the market by offering a unique solution while safeguarding their sensitive data. Secondly, security concerns were paramount, and the company lacked a robust system for continuous log monitoring. Additionally, they wanted to expand their IT department with security consultants to ensure a proactive security strategy


  • Data log monitoring
  • Limited internal IT resource


  • 24/7 monitoring of data logs
  • Multi Layered Security


Trustack advised the manufacturing company to implement multiple solutions, tailored to their specific needs. The initial solution stack
included Antivirus with Extended Detection and Response, Arctic Wolf Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Managed Risk (MR),
conditional access Multifactor Authentication, and backup for Office 365.


The integration of Arctic Wolf MDR and MR services provided 24/7 monitoring capabilities and the ability to isolate compromises. Numerous key stakeholders were involved in the decision-making process.

Benefits & outcomes

Through Trustack’s expertise, the construction company successfully strengthened its security posture and mitigated the risks associated
with data leakage. The implemented solutions provided continuous monitoring, enhanced authentication measures, and ensured robust data backup.


The customer’s evolving understanding of the importance of comprehensive security measures has led them to continue investing in their roadmap, aligning with their existing solutions to create a layered security approach.


“On the various projects that we have used Trustack for, they have always been excellent and on-hand whenever we needed them. Their support has been outstanding which takes the worry away if anything should go wrong. I wouldn’t hesitate to use Trustack for future projects.”

Leading Manufacturer

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About the Authors
Emma Phillips

Marketing Executive